
How we are integrating payments into Strapi

Mathijs Schouten

Published on 24 March 2024

Integrations of payment solutions into content management systems (CMS) are becoming more and more demanded nowadays. A lot of companies, but also personal creators, have the need to organize their products they have built/produced, and link them to a payment process. Strapi one of the newer content management systems, is known for its flexibility and developer-friendly environment. We at PluginPal, are working with Strapi, and are now implementing Stripe payment functionalities within Strapi. 


In the end, we want to offer everyone the opportunity to use the payment functionalities we are creating.


The power of Stripe X Strapi

At the core of this integration is Stripe, a payment processing platform. By integrating Stripe into Strapi, users can create payment intents directly from the CMS, linking these intents with specific software functionalities or added products. This integration is not just about receiving payments; it's about creating an environment wherein content and commerce WORK together.

Integrating payment processing


A user-based payment experience

Imagine a scenario where a content creator can directly sell (digital) products, services, or subscriptions from their Strapi-managed website. Upon creating content or listing a product, they can easily set up a corresponding payment intent using Stripe. When a visitor decides to make the purchase, they're guided through a smooth and secure payment process, enhancing the user experience and boosting conversion rates.


The integration we have in mind goes beyond just processing payments. It includes detailed tracking and management within Strapi, allowing users to monitor transactions, manage subscriptions, and analyze financial data – all from one place. This approach not only simplifies the financial aspects of digital content management but also provides valuable insights that can drive business growth.


The future of CMS and e-commerce

This integration is a step towards the future of content management systems, wherein the CMS platforms are not just about managing content, but also about facilitating commerce within them. As we move forward, content and commerce will become more interconnected.


This integration of Stripe into Strapi is more than just a technical enhancement; it's a new way of working with content, e-commerce and technological developments.


For now, stay tuned!

Mathijs Schouten

Published on 24 March 2024